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  • German, French, Italian and English
  • Source and target language as required
  • Variety of text genres and subject areas
  • Translations that work

Whether advertising copy, website, mailshot, blog article, interview, checklist, guidebook, manual, technical article, product description, study, survey, commentary, report or regulations, whether external or internal target audience, we apply the same high level of diligence and quality to every type of text.

Translation proofreading

  • German, French, Italian and English
  • Spelling, grammar and punctuation
  • Comparison and updating
  • Optimisation and added value

Our professional updating and optimising services entail sentence-by-sentence comparison of the source text with the target text. We make all necessary adjustments directly in the text to ensure that the translation reflects the original in terms of language, form and content.

Traditional proofreading

  • German, French, Italian and English
  • Spelling, grammar and punctuation
  • Essential corrections
  • Typography

Traditional proofreading does not entail any stylistic or content-related corrections. The text is reviewed for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. We also make sure that official titles and product names are spelled correctly and double-check the typography.


  • German, French, Italian and English
  • Spelling, grammar and punctuation
  • Comprehensive review
  • Language, content, style, coherence

Copyediting involves meticulously reviewing a text in terms of language, content and style. Is the text type suitable for the target group? Is the purpose of the text clear? Does the text flow well and is it coherent? Is the choice of words accurate and appropriate? We comment and optimise where appropriate.


If you have any administrative documents that require a notarised translation, such as extracts from the commercial register or articles of association, we obtain the certification from a notary on your behalf.


Please do not hesitate to contact us for a non-binding quote. Our prices depend on the volume, text type and requested language service. Why not mail us your source text with the necessary details or give us a call? We will respond promptly with an estimate.

General terms and conditions

Our GTC constitute an integral part of the orders placed with us.

  1. As a general rule, language services are charged by the hour. Our fee includes comprehensive quality assurance as well as any queries regarding the completed work. Subsequent changes to the source text will be charged at cost.
  2. An express surcharge may be charged for large volumes with tight deadlines.
  3. Quotes are guideline estimates for the specific job and the requested service.
  4. Written reclamations will be accepted within 20 days of delivery. In legitimate cases, we will rework the relevant passages. Any further claims are excluded. Objections to parts of translations or partial deliveries do not constitute grounds for objection to the entire delivery.
  5. Terms of payment: 30 days net from date of invoice.
  6. The place of jurisdiction and performance is Zurich, Switzerland.

Dual control